Sunday, March 2, 2014

Risk and the Math

There is a pun in that, of course. But, then again, there isn't.

Taking risks in life is paramount, I feel. Failure is imperative, too. Without taking risks, we won't fail, and without failure we won't learn.

Now, taking calculated risks is something else. This is the time when you've got a lot to lose, and you don't want to. It's kind of a Catch-22 situation where the solution doesn't look certain, but what the hell. You give it a thought, prioritize a bit and then decide to take the leap of faith, having measured the leap first. And while you decide what to and what not to hold onto, math checks in. This is the moment of truth, the make or break. This is where you hold onto your nerves more than anything else you wish to hold onto. Math is where the engine stutters. Damn!

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