Friday, September 20, 2013

The Streets Are Made For People Like Me

The streets are made for people like me
The blue sky is what I own as a beggar
I've got no regrets, no shame, no one to blame
I've got no family, no future to see
I'm a vagabond, people, I'm a life-digger

I smoke away my age under the sun
Into this deceitful city that drives me insane
A pig helps me stay clean, you know what I mean
Nobody cares when you are not the one
Who's got nothing to give for somebody's gain

I hope to live till the rains come down
To see my sins flow away without my consent
Till then I'll sip my can of beer, thinking death isn't near
I don't wish to die without a single pound
But I can't bend the rules that are already bent

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